What’s next? New study reveals trends in the European payments landscape post-pandemic
New research by Payments Europe reveals trends and insights in the European payments landscape Cards continue to be the preferred method of payment for Europeans
New research by Payments Europe reveals trends and insights in the European payments landscape Cards continue to be the preferred method of payment for Europeans
Une nouvelle étude de Payments Europe révèle de nouvelles tendances dans le secteur des paiements en Europe La carte reste le moyen de paiement préféré
Neue Forschungsergebnisse von Payments Europe zeigen Trends und Einblicke in die europäische Zahlungsverkehrslandschaft Karten sind weiterhin die bevorzugte Zahlungsmethode der Europäer, während andere, neue elektronische
New report by Payments Europe shows that: Europe has a competitive payments market in which the card industry continues to deliver value to end-users Cards
Brussels, 23 October 2019 – European and global card-based payment solution providers are coming together to strengthen the voice of the industry and to form